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In HR, we don't just solve problems; we create opportunities for growth and development.


JLN HR Consulting is the perfect choice for businesses looking for an experienced HR Executive to provide high-quality advice on human resources management. With 25 years of Human Resources experience, JLN HR Consulting is committed to creating the best solutions for your businesses.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Meet with Jamee to discuss how she can benefit you and your business.

Five individuals "put their hands in" to show solidarity

Review your organizations Mission, Vision, and Core Values to ensure your HR strategic plan and employment practices are in alignment. Once we have completed the assessment, we will provide you with a detailed action plan to get any items into alignment.

Strategic Planning

Someone is signing their name at the bottom of a document

Put together a comprehensive review of your current policies and procedures and ensure they are up to date and compliant with the required state and federal laws as necessary.  We will review your current employee handbook and make suggestions as necessary.

Policies and Procedures

Three individuals point to a piece of paper with statistics on it

Help you develop an appropriate talent management program that is aligned with the strategic goals of your organization. The program will support development, learning, coaching, mentoring, and communication between employees and their supervisors. 

Talent Management

Four individuals sit at a table with happy faces while two of them shake hands

Help manage the most difficult of situations, including coaching and counseling sessions, corrective action discussions and mitigating unfair employment practice claims. We will have these conversations for you while ensuring you remain compliant with all applicable laws.

Employee Relations

A calculator and blank notepad atop dollar bills

Conduct a review of your compensation and benefits programs, evaluating alignment of your pay ranges and benefit offerings to your HR strategy. Review your job descriptions and create pay ranges for your positions based on the current local market, to ensure you remain competitive in your ability to attract and retain top talent.


Multiple individuals sit around a table shaking hands

Gain an understanding of your talent needs; carefully source and build a pipeline of candidates that will meet your needs. We can also assist in finding and implementing an Applicant Tracking System to help you manage your talent acquisition process.

Talent Acquisition

A lady stands in front of a whiteboard presenting to a room full people who attentively listen

Create a compliance and safety program for your organization, covering all relevant legal regulations that pertain to your workspace and industry, compliant with federal and state standards.

Compliance and Safety

Individuals sit around a table with their attention on something out of frame

Support any merger or acquisition through an assessment of the human resource needs.  We will assist in the integration process of all data, benefits, and policies and procedures.

Acquisition Support

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